Thursday, June 11, 2009

Suggested Weblinks from Thursday's Class

1. The Story of Stuff - The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

Lesson Plan I: Journaling Inferences

Nature Journaling Lesson Plan I

a. Grade/age level

Sixth Grade

b. Background material

Student should have knowledge of change in natural surroundings.

c. Objectives

-make observations

-seek inferences

-make predictions

d. Materials needed

colored pencils




11” X 16” Sheet of paper (fold and label see below)

e. Anticipatory Set (Introduction)

Have the students note movements and sounds. They should record observations in the top corner of their paper (4-7 minutes).

f. Description of activity

Discuss the cause for these movements and why it is important to keep records as a scientist. Note ways scientists keep records. Let a student point out our science lab journals. Pass examples around from Keeping a Nature Journal. Discuss. Have the students review cause/effect as a relationship to seen/inferred/prediction.

Expected goals: Explore two seen/inferred/prediction relationships.

Record the relationships in words and pictures.

Review rubric

g. Review/summary/closing

What is the importance of making these types of observation?

What can you take from these observations into other classes?

h. Method of assessment

Rubric will consist of four elements: description suing creative lively words, evidence for detail in drawings, appropriate subject material, neatness in folding.

i. Enrichment (interdisciplinary connections)

Have students use writing and artistic skills from other discipline (basic level).

Seek to questions from observations and write from experiences what was learned.

Form poems based on aspects of the task.

Find historical ties to area of observation.





In Words


In Pictures


Leaves moving


Wind blows


Storm is coming

Nature Journal: Swafford's Assignments



1. Sound Map

2. Drawing in All Directions

3. Nature Metaphors

4. Tree Study and My Life as a Tree (PictureVideo)

5. Civil War or Native American (PictureAudio)

6. “Event Map” p. 15p. 16p. 17p. 18p. 19p. 20


1. Leslie/Roth, pp. 3-36

2. Backpacker article –presented in class

3. Leslie/Roth pp. 37-62

Drawing Lesson

4. Hinchman, pp. 43-61; Leslie/Roth, pp. 171-185

5. Hinchman, pp. 103-121


1. Journaling InferencesDownload DOCX File



Our Thoughts

Lawrence Alexander Visits


Location: Paddler’s Perch. Meet with local archeologist, Lawrence Alexander for historical tour of property.

Journaling Exercise: History connections. Write poem or story in historical setting (Civil War or Native American) and illustrate. We will return to Paddler’s Perch for class discussion and sharing.

Click to listen: Audio Reflection

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Reading Assignment: Feeling It In Your Bones pp. 43-61

A Trail Through Leaves: The Journal as a Path to Place
Hinchman, Hannah (1997)

Reaction Outline:

-Exacerbation: A plethora of dappled words stream as I triumph-ally climb lichen covered stones toward Mt Hinchman.
-A list of smithy words can easily be mined off Hinchman's pages. Make a word list! I will help you later...
-I stumbled while diving into Hinchman's pages, however discussed I felt she lured me as a blackdevil angler in to her world of creativity. Fascinated I was spurred into her mind and ways. The juxtaposition of liking and disliking continue page after page. Her horse love for sinewy stallions romping the plans, over tested thoroughbreds on a track tipped my mind to creative though. Hinchman does journaling. Capturing your mind she wistfully titillates the synapses of the cortex as lighting bugs on a damp summer eve.
-Practice make production come with ease
-The vomiting of specifics annoys me. However I cherish a thesaurus, creating brighter specifics myself. So the grating finger nail on a chalkboard will never be gone as chalk is eclipsed itself.
-I need to find a good website for creative words.
-Hinchman's connection with living creature is evident. She like many great naturalist collect and study once living artifacts.
-Study animals: Beauty is the transformation of the simple. Such as movement, growth, day/night.
-"In the pages of the journal, this ability to grasp "wholenesses" can be cultivated, we can get better at reading the body language of the world." p. 54
-"The attentive journal keeper will try to find the meaning of bringing those undercurrent to the page, and will have to be inventive to do so." p. 55

Audio Link Reaction: Click Here

Reading Assignment: A Sampling of Journaling Styles pp. 37-62

Keeping A Nature Journal: Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You
Leslie, Clare Walker & Roth, Charles E. (2003)

Reflections Outline:

-How to Journal
-Styles: (the are named differently in the text however the titles given are my annotation while reading)
Far & Near,
Concrete Because Attention,
Observation from Here --Anywhere,
Teaching, Set a Date/Time,
Sir Lewis & Clark,
Find Yourself,
Science Class,
Memory Revisited,
Taking a Trip,
Working Together,
Involving Little Kids,
Better Than a Photo,
Memory of Holidays,
Focusing One's Mind,
Observe your world
Observations and Notation = Creation/Creativity
Journaling is thought provoking
Journaling has the meaning "daily or Everyday"
Connects with nature units knowledge and growth
Quick words or drawn sketches lead to finished products
One must fully sense to truly know
Smearing is a sense of touch: texture, smell, taste
Don't limit yourself to drawings and looking --Forage the present
Close attention leads to concrete knowledge
Windows lead to nature and adeptness happen with time
Best way to know is to spend time
Discover where we have come from by journaling nature
Evolution of man downward slid is perceived in knowing nature
Bigger connections to life are conveyed utterance of life
Look for: patterns, symbiosis, workings, connection
Take time to reflect, grow, and observe
Enjoy Now
Meditate and pray cause health
Note something good each day!

-Audio Reaction: Link

Revisit the styles in the text for classroom use.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Assignment: "Tree Study" and “My Life as a Tree” Metaphor

Gleditsia triacanthos
i: Find a tree (View it prepositionally)
ii: Sense it (Sight, Touch, Listen, Smell, Taste)
iii: Seek to know it
iv: Recreate it
Baking at 95 degrees!

v: Product

Size: 12' X 3.5'
Media: Washable Paint, Wood, Cardboard

"How did the English spelt spel?

vi: Reflection

My thoughts as while making the painting.

Suggested Weblinks from Tuesday's Class


2. TED: JoAnn Kuchera-Morin demos the AlloSphere, a new way to see, hear and interpret scientific data. Dive into the brain, feel electron spin, hear the music of the elements ... and detect previously unseen patterns that could lead to new discoveries. Demo: Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere | Video on

Nature Journal: Swafford

Course: EDOE-565-A Nature Journaling
Teacher: Jean Lomino
Notes: June 8-11 Meets at Chattanooga Nature Center

Assignment: Nature Journal

View Chris Swafford Nature Journal at MobileMe Gallery - EDOE-565-A: Nature Journal

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